
Rospotrebnadzor named symptoms of body failure

You clearly have big problems: Rospotrebnadzor named symptoms of body failure


02/12/2024 17:33

The mechanism of carbohydrate processing in the human body plays a significant role. This process affects many aspects, including fructose absorption.

Russians received recommendations from Rospotrebnadzor on what symptoms should be taken into account in order to promptly recognize disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism. The press service of Rospotrebnadzor explained that carbohydrate metabolism is a complex of processes, including absorption, decomposition and the formation of final products.

If a person experiences shortness of breath, high blood pressure, excess weight, increased appetite, as well as dry or excessive sweating of the skin, this is a signal to contact a therapist.

The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary tests and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist on this problem. Medical experts strongly discourage self-medication, as this can lead to impaired carbohydrate metabolism and the development of fructose intolerance, which is a hereditary disease.

Specialist Batagova Violeta

Specialist in encephalopathy, polyneuropathy, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and their complications, extrapyramidal diseases (Parkinson’s disease, tics, essential tremor, etc.), demyelinating diseases, diseases of the muscle synapse.

Specialist Korovkin Mikhail

Provides treatment for a wide range of neurological diseases (scoliosis, dorsopathies, headaches, back pain)

Specialist Andrianova Irina

Specialist in the treatment of neuropathy, consequences of stroke, neuralgia and dorsopathies.

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