
Jeremy Renner returned to the hospital after a year to have his eye put back together

One year after his near-fatal accident, Jeremy Renner visited the hospital where his life was saved.

Jeremy Renner was extremely lucky. Source: Instagram

On January 1, 2023, Renner was crushed under a snowplow while trying to help a stranded motorist. Renner’s life was saved by the Ratrak passing his body into the thick snow. In addition to his chest injury, thirty bones were broken. His life was saved at a hospital in Reno, where he was airlifted

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Renner is now on Instagram shared a picture with the comment that he visited the hospital that saved his life, where he met the staff as well as the children being treated there.

With joy, blessings and [pizzával] we roll through Reno, Nevada! We stopped to meet the kids/superheroes, the first responders, and of course the doctors, nurses and staff at Renown Hospital. (…) I thank the Lord and the hospital staff for keeping me here. I am forever grateful.

He previously told Jimmy Kimmel about his accident that: “My eye popped out, which is weird, but I was very lucky that no other organs and my spine were fatally injured.”

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