
Judit Varga reported on a psychothriller: “We lived in terror, narcissistic rage and revenge were destructive and merciless” – Péter Magyar “brilliant mind, with soulless evil”

On Tuesday night, Judit Varga reacted again to the statement of her ex-husband, Péter Magyar, and to the audio recording made public on Tuesday morning.

Judit Varga started her post.

Judit Varga writes that for a long time she thought that she would not share the details of her former horrible marriage with the public.

Judit Varga also said that she read in a specialist book that the victim of a narcissistic personality disorder is in a very difficult situation if she tries to escape, because the everyday horror movie in which she was given the role of the victim does not take place in front of the public. It follows from this that it is very difficult for him to ask for help from those around him, since no one can fully believe his stories about daily mental cruelty. There will always be doubts among friends, acquaintances and colleagues, because the drama that takes place behind closed doors is only witnessed by the victim and the closest family members – usually minors who cannot even express their feelings – and the very talented abuser.

fleeing from his own personality and the shadow of his past, the terrified Péter Magyar is a master of how to run parallel scenarios for his audience. It doesn’t matter who it is. Spouse, children, family, friends or even the general Hungarian public. The brilliant mind, spiced with soulless evil, directs excellent plays, all at once, at the same time.

Now you, Ladies and Gentlemen, are watching one thread of such a parallel presentation. Unfortunately, I also see the rest. In messages, words, actions. It’s a gut-wrenching feeling, for example, when he makes honey-glazed comments about me in Partizán, while I receive threats from him in text messages.

Péter Magyar helped me today by proving with an excellent example himself what kind of games he played in our lives and which, unfortunately, have not stopped since our divorce on May 3 last year. They all continue to this day. Because a person with a narcissistic personality disorder cannot bear to lose a battle or a war. He can’t process that the victim got free, that he was able to end the horror movie. Narcissistic rage and revenge are destructive and merciless. He does not spare children or friends.

By publishing audio recordings, Péter Magyar has already tried to threaten me and “get me to think better” several times. Of these, I would like to highlight only three significant occasions.

1.) Threat with audio recording No.1.

In March 2023, when the psychological thriller of our divorce was already in full swing, shortly before I ran away from the shared home on a Saturday night (I remember this specifically, but there were several occasions), my ex-husband said that if I left him and still wanted a divorce, then he will report to the Central Investigative General Prosecutor’s Office and will prove his allegations with audio recordings. It is difficult to describe the state of mind of a mother of three who is threatened with such a thing in her own kitchen, next to her sleeping children, by her then-spouse (and how much other meanness and mental terror he used, there are no words!). To this day, it rings in my ears, for example, when he says “Divorce if you want. Cover up. The house and the children remain.” I have a clear conscience, I didn’t give in to the pressure, I packed up and moved within days, knowing that my children would still cling to their mother. And only after I moved out, with the exit from the daily spiritual terror, could the real divorce process begin. Of course, I gave up a lot in exchange for my freedom, but I had no other choice. The professionals certainly understand what I mean, for example, in relation to childcare, and I am happy to contribute to their research by telling my own horror stories.

2. Threat with audio recording No.2

At the beginning of January this year, Péter Magyar was informed that his positions in Közút and Bankholding would be terminated. You know, from this type of position, the freedom fighter who made the audio recordings had approx. 3.5-4.5 million net income. Péter then, around January 18, a so-called He created a group called Signal, in which he threatened Gergely Gulyás and me that if we did not immediately restore the original state, he would become an enemy. In this message, he had a very important statement, for which I have been “thankful” to him ever since. “I have never harmed this system. Not even for Judit outside.” Do you understand? Not even for Judit outside. Thank you, Peter, for clarifying the nature of relationship violence. Outwardly, we’re all honey-glazed, but when the key clicks in the lock, another story starts, which they won’t believe anyway… Gergő deleted himself from the group, we didn’t respond to Péter’s threats, we didn’t react. Péter also wrote that “I recommend that we apply the brakes.” As if he was afraid of himself. It was amazing, creepy. From then until the end of January, I received several types of threatening and flattering messages every day, and there was a lot of gaslighting, as he threatened and insulted me in Signal messages that disappear after 3-6-15-30 seconds, which I do not want to publish here to protect my own privacy rights. What was most beautiful about it all was that, in a hypocritical, manipulative way, he kept blaming me for the consequences he envisioned that the children would suffer. An important message remains to be highlighted. In the pleading genre, Péter wrote to me the following: “I have not yet signed the waivers that were asked of me. My position with Közút and MBH bank is not only important because of the money, but also because I have advanced negotiations with related companies regarding my new workplace, which will obviously be impossible if I am fired.”

Everyone understands, right? Do we remember how the ardent fake Petőfi of our time entered the public eye? That he resigns…aha. And if I were to describe here what kind of “scumbags” belong to the companies with which he allegedly had advanced negotiations at the time where he was knocking for a job, then probably our Péter Magyar would be disturbed by the March 15th crowd throwing tomatoes at him… Shall I continue, Péter? I still know…

Until January 31, I still received some interesting text messages, e.g. “Alea iacta est” and “The sky is clear over Spain”. I continued to hold back from giving in to his threats, because you can’t live like that. He can’t keep blackmailing me with certain secret audio recordings if I don’t get him suitable jobs. I discussed with my family that whatever happens, you can do whatever you want. We all know what happened next.

Of course, Péter didn’t expect that in the meantime, due to the pardon case, I would leave public life, assuming political responsibility. That’s why the Partizán interview starts with the good-natured character Péter Magyar, who supports his wife in everything. He changed strategy. He could no longer hit me at the top of the list, as he had threatened before. My God, the whole family gagged watching that hypocrite figure as he manipulated the gullible, mouth-watering audience of up to 2.5 million people!

In the meantime, according to the parallel stage performance written for me, Péter Magyar still did not stop belittling and threatening me… because as the beautiful comet’s career slowly built up, the past became more and more dangerous for him. The past, which didn’t want to disappear and one day, came knocking in the form of a symbolic protocol. It is symbolic, because dozens of them could have been made, but unfortunately victims of relationship violence, whether mental or physical, are not always in a position to call the police. When I was a minister, I consulted with many left-wing women’s rights organizations about the complicated course of abusive relationships, and I could tell you a lot from my own life. How interesting that now that a Fidesz minister whom they hate turns out to have been a victim, their empathy suddenly becomes selective. Their silence screamed…but I would also talk about this to the profession later.

3. Threat with audio recording No.3

This brings us to the third event. When HVG journalist András Dezső approached Péter about the police report, Péter sent me a nervous message in which he wanted to get me to stop them and clarify that “no violence took place apart from a normal marital dispute”. I didn’t give in to his chastisement for the third time, and I didn’t respond to that either. When I posted the domestic violence video on Facebook, without me even addressing him, he got very angry and threatened me again. So I wasn’t surprised. I had expected. But what he did is shocking. There are no words for it.

Finally, allow me to say a few words about the current public situation. Loyalty, discipline, team play. Those who want to serve the community must have these qualities, I think. There is none in Péter Magyar. It was a big disappointment for me in my own life as well, when I realized who I tied it with when I was 27 years old. Péter Magyar is not interested in his homeland, only his own destiny.

Betrayal can be exciting, but it can never be the basis of something good and noble. Betraying our family and friends is not an achievement, it’s a sin. And there are no words for it if someone explains the betrayal by saying that he did it to protect his family, which he can no longer guarantee.

Think about who they give credit to. Especially if they are political strategic investors. I have already made a big mistake and paid a big price for it.

I am prepared for what the cruel narcissistic fury of Péter Magyar will throw at me because of this. I know his every turn of phrase, every nook and cranny of his crooked and bad-faith thinking. But I am no longer afraid of Péter Magyar. I was scared, I cried enough.

Now that I have finally regained my own life, I will have enough time to prepare my three sons to bear the burden of their father’s betrayal with dignity for a lifetime. After Pál Erőss and Ferenc Mádl’s clean, honest legacy, Péter Magyar created a new concept in the dictionary of Hungarian traitors.

UI.: For reasons of length, this paper does not include all stories. I can go on.

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