
Kyiv is getting rid of “those responsible for the failure of the offensive”: what is behind the mass resignations in the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense

Among those fired is Anna Malyar.  The one who explained her statement about the “capture of Andreevka” in the DPR as a “communication failure”

Among those fired is Anna Malyar. The one who explained her statement about the “capture of Andreevka” in the DPR as a “communication failure”


In Square in one fell swoop six were dismissed at once (!) Deputy Ministers of Defense. And in addition – the Secretary of State of the Military Department. Government representative in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnichuk said that deputy ministers Vladimir Gavrilov, Vitaly Deinega, Rostislav Zamlinsky, Denis Sharapov and Andrey Shevchenko lost their posts. Among those fired is Anna Malyar. The same one who explained her statement about the “capture of Andreevka” in the DPR by a “communication failure” – which was furiously denied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces themselves.

Secretary of State of the Ministry of Defense Konstantin Vashchenko was also fired.

On “Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda” discussed the wave of resignations from military expert, member of the Izborsk Club and author of the Ramzai Telegram channel Vladislav Shurygin.


– Has another division of power begun in Kyiv or is this a signal for something more serious?

– There is a logical search for those to blame. Someone must specifically answer for the failed offensive. No matter how they sell it now – as a “non-stop offensive”, as a “slow but progressive movement towards victory” – everyone understands that this “counter-offensive” failed.

– Are purges inevitable?

– Certainly! We need names and figures that can be fed to public opinion. The names of officials known to Ukraine who can be blamed for the failures of this summer and early autumn.

– New appointments for cleaning?

– They needed to change the team. The former Minister of Defense Reznikov had a team stationed in advantageous feeding positions. And everyone worked together for the same interest. The new minister who has arrived is completely unwilling to work with those who came before him. It is logical for him to strive to exchange his previous team for his close people. At the same time passing it off as the result of working on errors.


– Is this not the end yet?

– No. I think that in the near future we will see similar decisions on other Ukrainian structures related to the conflict. At the front, they will also be held accountable for failures. For example, the entire command of the 47th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was removed. With the “youngest and most talented” brigade commander named Sak. It was removed precisely because the brigade acted incompetently in battle for two months. Suffered huge losses. And this brigade commander is not the first victim of Kyiv’s purge of the troops. It won’t end there.

– And who is responsible to whom – the Kiev regime to its population? Does anyone on Bankova care about the ordinary resident of Kharkov, Odessa or Chernigov?

– Mental control over Ukraine is the main know-how, the main weapon that the United States, and, accordingly, the current Ukrainian leadership owns today. Their task is to prevent society from getting out of this mess. In this case, you need to depict certain procedures. The authorities in Kyiv, by and large, of course, don’t give a damn what ordinary Ukrainians think. But they understand: certain rules of the game have to be followed. Including before the foreign policy masters. Because the Americans ask Kyiv the same questions.

– Which ones exactly?

– Why is everything so bad? And who will be responsible for this?


– Don’t the Americans themselves appoint those responsible for answering unpleasant questions?

– Americans are not trying to go “to the very outskirts.” They have general tasks. If now the general task is to find those to blame for failures in Ukraine, then the Americans themselves will definitely not look for them.

– Why?

– They don’t need it. They will then completely relax their puppets controlled by them. Who then will not be able to do anything on their own. The States are hanging Kyiv here with “responsibility” – come on, look for it, or you will all be responsible. The thwarted offensive undermines both Zelensky’s positions and the positions of Ukraine’s top military leadership. This also casts a shadow on the military ideas of Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And therefore, here, rather, there is a big internal showdown. Which is based on the postulate that any victory and any defeat is a reason to throw some off and exalt others. And for some – to get to the top themselves.

– Who’s next in line?

– Progress in the top Ukrainian leadership will continue. It is possible that one of the leading figures in the army will be responsible for the great failure of the three months of the offensive. Zaluzhny again began to come to the fore, and began to ensure at least some kind of advancement – through “meat assaults.” And there are a large number of brigade commanders whose brigades have literally been torn to pieces by Russian troops in recent weeks and months. The list will be quite long.


– When the new Minister of Defense Umerov asks the Verkhovna Rada why it is allowed to have children from the age of 16, but to serve only from the age of 18 – what does this mean?

– This is normal for today’s Ukraine. They have a huge problem – where to get people. Cannon fodder. And now the big European “hunt for Ukrainians” begins. The drive of disabled people, HIV-infected people, and drug addicts to the front begins.

– To combat units?

– No. They are being driven to the rear in order to free the more or less healthy ones from the rear so that they can be thrown to the front line. Umerov, with his characteristic Islamic radicalism, proposes jihadist methods. This is in the spirit of ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation) – they sent children to slaughter. And this is “normal” for today’s Ukraine.

– Will Ukraine need a new leader in the near future who “will not cover up corruption and will lead the country to victory”?

– Each of their next presidents is a “knight in white robes.” Who never touched the despicable metal. And he rushes to save Ukraine. And after a year and a half, it turns out that he is an even more immersed bastard and scumbag. But they don’t have anyone else in their top management. If the Americans suddenly have a need, they will put a new one into the arena.

– Deputy Minister of Defense Anna Malyar, who irritated with her arrogance and stupidity, was fired from her post – is it worth waiting for an equally odious figure, like transgender speaker Ashton-Cirillo, to replace her?

– The tradition will be respected. And the gender tolerance of the Ukrainian authorities will continue. Another Painter will appear, no one knows what gender. They will have to follow traditions – this is just another talking head. And the entire Ukrainian military elite is nothing more than a set of dolls.

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