
Many people pass by these effective exercise machines in the gym: it’s in vain


12/30/2023 07:29

In modern gyms, even experienced visitors are often limited to using familiar and convenient exercise equipment, neglecting a wider range of equipment. World Class trainers highlighted several machines that, in their opinion, deserve more attention.

  1. Double adjustable traction: simulators such as the Life Fitness CMDAP multi-station provide the ability to work with two cable pulls, which allows you to work out different muscle groups. However, many practitioners do not use this simulator on their own, since knowledge of the correct operating technique is required.
  2. Rowing machine: The rowing machine offers an excellent alternative for cardio training, activating many muscle groups, including the back.
  3. Excite Top trainer: Designed to work your upper body, this machine provides an effective workout while freeing up your lower body.
  4. Functional trainer TRX Rip Trainer: This shock-absorbing, elastic-loading machine adds variety to your workout by building not only strength and endurance, but also your stabilizer muscles.

Trainers emphasize that these machines, although little used, provide a wide range of exercises and benefits, however, requiring the right approach to training and, in some cases, having a trainer to teach the correct technique.

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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