
A journey through Russian taste culture: food and drink museums


12/30/2023 07:33

In Russia there are fascinating museums where you can not only learn history, but also plunge into the world of tastes and aromas. The Cheese Museum in Kostroma offers unique tastings and children’s quests, and in front of the entrance there is a monument to the Kostroma cow. Vologda presents a butter museum, where visitors can milk a cow and feel the aroma of water meadows.

In Kirov, you can immerse yourself in the history of milk and ice cream through local museums, which offer fascinating tours and video presentations.

In St. Petersburg, Tula, Bolgar, Vladivostok and Tyumen there are bread museums that tell about the development of agricultural crops and production technologies. Tula gingerbread is presented in the museum in Tula, as well as in the Izmailovo Kremlin, Bolgar, Kostroma, Vladivostok and Tyumen.

Museums in Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Moscow, Kolomna and Vyborg invite guests to fascinating master classes on creating and decorating gingerbread cookies, pretzels and rolls. At the Kalachnaya Museum in Kolomna you can even try hot rolls with butter, baked according to a 14th-century recipe. A journey through these museums promises to not only enrich knowledge, but also delight the taste buds.

Author Daniil Polonikov

Daniil Sergeevich Polonikov (December 19, 2003, Ivanovo) – student at the Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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