
Sofia Rotaru became hysterical

Over the past year and a half, the singer has never appeared in public

Over the past year and a half, the singer has never appeared in public


Arkady Ukupnik spoke about an unpleasant situation he witnessed several years ago. The musician said that Sofia Rotaru Lost my cool in public.

Arkady Ukupnik once experienced a lot of stress During the flight. He was returning from Kyiv to Moscow on the same flight with Sofia Rotaru. For some reason, the pilots were unable to land the plane the first time and made an emergency go-around.

This situation scared the “farmer” to horror. Rotaru, who suffers from aerophobia, threw a tantrum.

According to Ukupnik, the artist was literally shaking. Sofia Mikhailovna I fell into a panic from anxiety and lamented that I had not bought a train ticket. “Rotaru, which does not fly airplanes at all, started to panic and wail: “Why did I fly, Ruslan?! I wanted to take the train, I don’t fly!” recalls Arkady on the air of the “The Stars Aligned” show on NTV.

The rabbi had to calm down the pop star, who happened to be in the next chair. He found the right words and brought the famous passenger to her senses.

It is worth noting that over the past year and a half 76-year-old singer never appeared in public. According to rumors, she is hiding from everyone in her villa in Italy. There were rumors that Rotaru’s Parkinson’s disease was progressing. Family members and close friends of the celebrity do not deny these rumors, but do not confirm them either.

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