
Tamás Sulyok revealed what he thinks should be followed by Katalin Novák

The President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok was officially inaugurated at Szent György Square in Budavar. Public law dignitaries were present at the ceremony, including Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his wife. Serving the Nation is the greatest honor – declared the seventh president of the Republic of free Hungary in his acceptance speech.

Tamás Sulyok and his wife, Zsuzsanna Nagy, arrived at the square in a horse-drawn carriage, and the guests, including Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, stood up to welcome the new head of state. The President of the Republic was awaited by the honor unit with military honors. Later, the historical flags were brought to the square in a ceremonial procession.

Tamás Sulyok delivers a speech on the occasion of his inauguration as the President of the Republic at Szent György Square in Budapest. Photo: MTI

Tamás Sulyok greeted the participants as the seventh president of the republic of free Hungary that overthrew the communist dictatorship, thanking them for their trust and good wishes.

The President of the Republic emphasized: His New Year’s resolution was not to become Hungary’s head of state with the arrival of spring. He did not plan this service, he did not prepare for the task, but over the years he learned to appreciate the fate-shaping power of accidental and unsolicited events.

“If fate puts you in unexpected situations and calls you to serve, you must not shy away from it. I consider it the greatest honor to serve the country and the nation”

he stated.

The new president of the republic emphasized that he has always stood up for the enforcement of the Basic Law, and as president he always wants to be a defender of the dignity of the Hungarian people. Tamás Sulyok’s support and compass is the law, and he wants to work according to it and faithfully.

“I am a lawyer and I will remain a lawyer. Throughout my presidency, I will primarily stand on the ground of public law.”

– He told.

It considers its duty to represent the state, as a rule of law, within the powers defined by the Basic Law.

“I only use the concept of the rule of law in the sense that the entire functioning of the state is subject to the law. When I was elected, I emphasized that for me all power can only be interpreted within the framework of the law. My task and service from now on are different from what I have done up until now, but the basic values ​​are the same as those for me until now I also kept myself faithful. The Basic Law is the cornerstone, framework and standard of my work.”

According to the Basic Law, the President of the Republic expresses the unity of the nation and watches over the democratic operation of the state organization.

He will not allow this unity to be broken, he interprets his service within this framework, the boundaries of which he will consistently guard and will not allow to be crossed, he promised.

As president, I always want to be the defender of the dignity of the Hungarian people – he declared, while praising his predecessors, who paved the path he can follow.

My Hungarianness, my Christian faith, my cultural affiliation, which is both national and European, and both European and national, are the sources of my values. This is what feeds my life and my work, and it is only from this point of view that I can and want to look at the world

– declared the head of state.

He considers it one of the most important achievements of recent years that the President of the Republic of Hungary is responsible not only spiritually, but also in the sense of public law for his compatriots here and across the border, which he definitely intends to fulfill, he added.

It arises from our shared destiny, which is why good relations with our neighbors and regional partners, as well as cooperation with the Visegrád countries, are extremely important to us. We strive to cooperate with all nations of the world

– pointed out Tamás Sulyok, emphasizing the support of the needy, those who are in trouble through no fault of their own, who can always count on it.

Our country is unquestionably part of the West

Our Europeanness was the decision of Saint István, which has been confirmed by a series of generations, up to the present day. As Hungarians, we have become intertwined with the fate of Europe, and we can strengthen the continent as long as we can do so as Hungarians. The future of Europe depends not only on us, but on all countries. It is extremely important that we, Hungarians, stand on sure footing in the uncertainty

Tamás Sulyok stated.

The state must serve the citizens. If a state is proud of its virtues, it must accept its faults as well. Without trust, there is no state, economy and legal system. I will strive to ensure mutual interest, understanding and respect – underlined the President of the Republic.”

The peace of our families and the stability of our country depend on us. As President of the Republic, I will work with all my actions so that we, Hungarians, faithful to our heritage, can be proud of the 21st century chapters of our history ahead of us. True to my oath and conviction, within the framework provided to me by the constitution, I will serve my country and nation with all my knowledge and strength

– concluded the President of the Republic of Hungary.

Tamás Sulyok replaces Katalin Novák, who resigned on February 10.

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