
The main mistakes of newbies in the gym


12/29/2023 11:47

Entering the world of gym training can be a challenge for newbies who, not knowing where to start, make common mistakes. Gym supervisor at the World Class Metropolis club Anton Kotov highlights several key mistakes that novice athletes face.

Basic mistakes

Problem with choosing exercise equipment

Many beginners randomly try all the machines in a row, often overloading the same muscle group. This highlights the importance of the trainer’s approach to selecting the appropriate equipment.

Wrong choice of exercise equipment

Some beginners choose exercise equipment that does not suit their needs and level of training. Single-joint exercise machines are safe options to start with.

Lack of attention to posture

Often beginners do not monitor their body position during training, which can lead to poor posture. It is important to start training with the correct body position on the machine.

Improper execution of basic exercises

Beginners often find basic exercises too simple and perform them incorrectly, which can lead to injury.

Inclusion in the training process too quickly

Beginners often start training at too high an intensity, which can lead to fatigue. It is recommended to gradually become involved in the training process, taking into account your lifestyle and not forgetting about recovery.

Tips for Beginners

You need to determine your goals and choose the appropriate type of training. What is important is an introductory briefing with a trainer, the right choice of exercise equipment, starting with low-intensity training and paying attention to your body. Gradual progress is more important than maximum intensity.

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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