
The second season of the Nikita project in apartments has started | November 20, 2023

Today, November 20, on a significant date – the 98th anniversary of the birth of the Russian ballet legend Maya Plisetskaya – the first episode of the second season of the educational project “Nikita in Apartments” was released. It features blogger Nikita Tau, a student at the Theater School named after. Boris Shchukin, in his characteristic manner, tells how outstanding Russian artists lived.

In the first season of the project, viewers learned about the 20th Century Literary Museum, as well as about how Anton Chekhov and Anna Akhmatova lived. In the new episodes they will talk about Maya Plisetskaya and her wife Rodion Shchedrin, give a tour of the Lermontov house-museum, and also find out how Mikhail Bulgakov lived in a hostel with a dozen lodgers and who became the prototype for Annushka from the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Episodes of the first season of “Nikita in Apartments” collected more than two million views on VKontakte and many comments. “We were pleasantly surprised by the warmth with which our usually conservative audience received the release from the house-museum of A.P. Chekhov. However, what is even more valuable is that the project attracts more young people to the museum and opens up for them new facets of our common cultural heritage,” said Sergei Shaulov, head of the house-museum named after. M. Yu. Lermontov.

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