
We have the strength to take Odessa – it’s time to move from words to deeds


12/30/2023 23:29

The Russian Federation has enough forces to ensure that the Ukrainian Armed Forces group in the south is surrounded and destroyed as far as Transnistria.

This was reported by a military expert Konstantin Sivkov.

“If they go to Transnistria, then through Nikolaev and Odessa we will reach Transnistria. There are more than enough forces. We have two full-blooded fronts that are deployed on the territory of Ukraine. There are also reserve corps, which in fact can be equated to another front. And this is quite enough to carry out an operation to encircle and destroy this entire group within a month or a month and a half,” the analyst noted.

Closing this ring means that the supply of ammunition and weapons stops and this entire group finds itself surrounded. Under blockade conditions, they will not last more than two or three months.

Previously, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya stated that Kyiv and the West should expect the worst news in the near future.

Author Dmitry Plotnikov

Dmitry Plotnikov – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Alexander Artamonov

Alexander Artamonov – military observer, editor of the French version, presenter of the “Control Shot” reviews – on the channel of the media holding “Pravda.Ru”

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