
3% of people with chronic diseases consume 50% of the health coverage budget in Morocco – Today 24

The National Medical Conference of the Moroccan Association of Medical Sciences recommended adopting a preventive health policy to reduce the severity of the outbreak of chronic and costly diseases and their exorbitant expenses.
He stated that 3 percent of insured patients with chronic diseases consume more than 50 percent of the budget allocated for health coverage.
He pointed out that investing one dirham in prevention contributes to a profit of 10 dirhams in medical expenses.
He also recommended accelerating the implementation of the National Agency for Medicines and Health Products, and doubling efforts to increase the percentage of consumption of generic medicines, which does not exceed 40 percent, compared to 70 percent in France and 80 percent in both Germany and America, which requires motivating professionals, including doctors and pharmacists. And adopting the joint digital medical file.
The conference, whose 39th session was held last weekend in Casablanca, urged its participants to review the national reference tariff, which has been characterized by stagnation since 2006.
He called for raising compensation for medical consultations, for which the recovered expenses are still calculated on the basis of 80 dirhams for an examination by a general physician and 150 dirhams for an examination by a specialist doctor, which makes patients bear more than 50 percent of the treatment expenses at their own expense.

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