
47 thousand traffic violations last week pumped 850 million into the state fund – Today 24

During the week from November 13 to 19, the security services were able to record 47,401 violations, complete 8,727 reports that were referred to the Public Prosecution, in addition to issuing 38,674 conciliation fines.

A report from the General Directorate of National Security stated that the amount obtained amounted to 8 million and 499 thousand and 125 dirhams, while the number of vehicles placed in the municipal impound was 4 thousand and 488 vehicles, the number of documents withdrawn was 8 thousand and 727 documents, and the number of vehicles that were subject to arrest was 228 vehicles.

In addition, 20 people were killed, and 2,599 others were injured, 99 of them seriously, in 1,946 traffic accidents recorded in urban areas during the same period.

The same source attributed the main reasons leading to the occurrence of these accidents, in order, to the lack of attention of drivers, failure to respect the right of priority, failure to pay attention to pedestrians, failure to leave a safety distance, excessive speed, changing direction without a signal, lack of control, and failure to respect the stop imposed by a sign. “Stop,” unauthorized change of direction, failure to respect the stop imposed by a red traffic light, driving on the left side of the road, defective overtaking, driving while intoxicated, and driving in the prohibited direction.

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