
9 Main Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Can Be Difficult


09.11.2023 13:20

When your significant other is in another city or even country, long-distance relationships can be a real challenge. Despite the efforts of both, sometimes they can be doomed to failure. Psychologists, called nine key reasons why these relationships can be difficult.

Strange communication

A strong desire to connect can cause you to become overly predictable in your interactions. However, it can be exhausting, and by scheduling every text and call, you’re depriving yourself of the spontaneity of a regular relationship.

Change and distance

Differences in environment and lifestyle make their own adjustments. Your worlds are drifting apart, and that’s normal for many long-distance couples.

Meeting new people

Meeting new people in real life entails certain risks. The social ambiguity of long-distance relationships can be a reason to dive into new connections.

Feeling lonely

Texting and video calls cannot completely replace physical contact and intimacy. Moments of loneliness can cause discord in relationships. People need tactile contact, and its absence can greatly affect a couple’s connection.


The busyness of each partner creates the risk of losing contact with each other. The lack of common moments can lead to the fading of feelings.

Lack of intimacy

Physical intimacy plays an important role in close relationships. Couples where people are at a distance from each other may suffer due to the lack of this aspect.

The need for sacrifice

Long-term, successful long-distance relationships often require significant sacrifices, such as changing locations, changing jobs, and even learning a new language.

Financial difficulties

Constant travel and location differences can be expensive. This financial burden can create additional problems.

Unclear direction of relationship

The lack of physical intimacy and shared moments can make it impossible to understand how happy and close a relationship is.

Relationship At a distance can be difficult, and their successful development requires a lot of effort and constant communication. By addressing these reasons, you can improve your chances of success in such a relationship.

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