
a contrast shower after a workout helps you recover faster

Fitness instructor Yuri Korolev: a contrast shower after a workout helps you recover faster


03/25/2024 01:04

Fitness trainer Yuri Korolev said that a contrast shower after sports activities promotes rapid recovery.

According to him, cold water constricts the blood vessels at the surface of the skin, which reduces swelling and inflammation in the muscles. In addition, a contrast shower helps remove lactic acid. Warm water dilates blood vessels, thereby delivering fresh blood nutrients and oxygen to tissues.

For more benefits, Korolev recommends starting with a warm shower, then switching to cool water.

“Gradually increase the temperature of the water. Then lower it to cold. The exposure time for each temperature is 30 seconds,” writes the SE portal, citing the words of the trainer.

Let’s add that a contrast shower helps to cheer up and activates the nervous system.

Author Elena Galabaeva

Elena Galabaeva – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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