
A nutritionist told what will happen if you eat fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner


21.11.2023 22:02

Nutritionist Angelique Duval in a conversation with Pravda.Ru she said whether such useful productlike a fish, turn out to be harmful to someone.

The expert recalled that fish is considered a dietary product, but when purchasing it you need to pay attention to quality.

You also need to remember that even the healthiest product should not be abused, the nutritionist emphasized.

“Therefore, fatty types of fish should not be consumed once or twice a week. Dietary types of fish can, in principle, be eaten at least every day. But if we eat fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then we risk getting liver poisoning. Because “Fish contains many different substances that it gets from the sea,” Duval explained.

Today, when buying fish, you need to remember the environmental component, that a lot of garbage is thrown into the ocean, and there is mercury in sea water, which, unfortunately, ends up in fish and seafood that end up on the human table.

“Therefore, it is best to eat fish, alternating it, for example, with poultry. Do not focus on any particular type of protein, but through variety, make your diet balanced and correct,” the nutritionist concluded.


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