
A proposed law in Parliament calls for the “Bribery Authority” to undertake the task of investigating suspicions of illicit enrichment – Today 24

A proposed law presented by the Parliamentary Group for Justice and Development in the House of Representatives called for assigning the task of investigating and verifying suspicions of illicit enrichment to the National Commission for Integrity, Preventing and Combating Bribery, on the occasion of its receipt of reports, complaints, and information related to them.
He explained that if the Authority discovers, in the exercise of its duties, “that there is a suspicion of illicit enrichment, it will refer the file to the competent judicial authority.”
It also stipulates the need for state administrations, territorial communities, public institutions and enterprises, and every other public or private law person, whether natural or legal, to cooperate with the Authority and provide it with the necessary assistance. In addition to “responding to its requests related to obtaining information, documents, or other data, or any form of assistance, related to a case of illicit enrichment that concerns one of the parties mentioned in the law related to the Authority, unless the matter relates to information or documents related to national defense or Internal or external state security.
The law relating to the National Commission for Integrity, Preventing and Combating Bribery stipulates that the rapporteur assigned by the head of the commission to study a case file related to a case of corruption shall be granted the authority to request, through the head of the commission, from any of the parties concerned with the subject of the report or complaint, to provide him with the available documents and information. she has.
For this purpose, the Chairman of the Authority shall, when necessary, direct the Authority’s requests to:
– Heads of departments under the supervision of the Prime Minister, whenever it comes to state departments;
– Heads of territorial communities, officials of public institutions and enterprises, and persons of public law;
– Heads of institutions and bodies stipulated in the Constitution;
– The legal representative of each legal person of private law;
– Individuals or their legal representatives.

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