
A selection of stories about famous actresses who managed to escape from tyrant husbands

A selection of stories about famous actresses who managed to escape from tyrant husbands

The life of stars always seems brilliant: popularity, wealth and a wonderful relationship with their partner. But do not forget that famous women can also suffer from the tyranny of their husbands.

The main men in the life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, and who finally made her happy

We will talk about three celebrities who faced the problem of domestic violence and how they managed to escape the abuse. Their stories exemplify true courage and show that even in the face of fame, you can find the strength to start a new chapter in life. and become a source of inspiration for many.

Maria Ivakovaan aspiring actress who is now in a happy relationship with Nikita Efremov, also went through the ordeal of abuse. Perhaps many people remember the girl for her participation in the project of the Friday TV channel “Heads and Tails”. A beautiful, smiling, slender blonde suffered for a long time from the jealousy and aggression of her previous boyfriend. He simply couldn’t cope with his emotions, he could break her phone, once almost threw out Maria’s laptop and even raised his hand to her. He demanded that the girl always keep him informed about where she was. If Maria did not answer his calls for just a few minutes, he would immediately call her parents in a panic, even if it was late at night.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk suffered a lot from her ex-husband Dmitry Stryukov. He began beating her after the birth of her first child and soon deprived her of the opportunity to see friends and work. Control over every step became simply unbearable. The situation worsened when the couple had a second child. Stryukov began to cheat on Anastasia with their servants, without even hiding it. After many years of torment and being practically a hostage to her tyrant husband, Anastasia, gathering her strength and taking her children, left Stryukov. Fortunately, she was determined enough to start a new life.

Angelina Joliebeing married to Brad Pitt I tried for a long time to maintain the appearance of well-being in the family. But over time, the truth about their constant quarrels came out. Despite their outward harmony, Angie and Brad faced numerous difficulties in their relationship. Filming in joint projects and all efforts aimed at preserving the marriage for the sake of the children turned out to be fruitless. The contradictions grew like a snowball, and at one point, after another drunken scandal with violence, Angelina filed for divorce.

Author Sitora Chaevskaya

Sitora Chaevskaya – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Daria Mitina

Daria Mitina – historian, statesman, freelance correspondent and broadcaster of Pravda.Ru

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