
According to Gergely Karácsony, this pardon case is not a system error, but the system itself

Mayor Gergely Karácsony gave a long interview to Népszava, according to which the president of the republic can only act as a counterweight if he is directly elected by the people.

Photo: MTI/Péter Lakatos

“This pardon case is not a system error, but the system itself”

– answered the mayor to the question of whether the opposition can turn the clemency case of K. Endre, who helped the pedophile director of the children’s home in Bicske, into votes.

Karácsony considers it right that the opposition parties stand for the direct election of the president of the republic. “I respect those people who can criticize their own political family, this requires special courage within Fidesz,” said Gergely Karácsony regarding Péter Magyar’s statements.

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