
Actress Natalya Bochkareva showed the results of plastic surgery for 2 million rubles

Natalya Bochkareva showed what her stomach looks like after plastic surgery by the scandalous surgeon Khaidarov


03/25/2024 16:46

The star of the sitcom “Happy Together” Natalya Bochkareva visited the clinic of plastic surgeon Timur Khaidarov and showed subscribers what her stomach looks like after surgery. According to her, she is pleased with the result.

The celebrity emphasized that her stomach looks flat, just as she dreamed of.

“Girls, the result is just fire,” she wrote.

Bochkareva had plastic surgery performed by the notorious plastic surgeon Timur Khaidarov in 2023 for 2 million rubles. She wanted to have surgery immediately after giving birth, but the doctor persuaded her to give herself time to recover.

In the show “You Won’t Believe It!” Bochkareva said that she had brachioplasty, a skin tightening on her arms, and excess fat was removed from her abdominal area to be pumped into her buttocks.

Former blogger Lerchek and her husband ignored court hearing on a divorce case.

Author Alexander Shevtsov

Alexander Shevtsov – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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