
An important part of care: we talk about autumn fertilizers

An important part of care: we talk about autumn fertilizers


02/13/2024 09:06

Autumn fertilizers are an important part of caring for fruit trees and berry bushes. Proper application of fertilizers will help plants prepare for the winter, strengthen their immunity and receive sufficient nutrients for future growth and development. Let’s consider the main aspects of applying autumn fertilizers to fruit trees and berry bushes.

Before applying fertilizer, it is important to prepare the soil. After removing falling leaves, it is necessary to remove weeds and loosen the soil around trees and shrubs. Loosening will help the fertilizer penetrate deeper into the soil and improve the circular movement of nutrients.

One of the key components of fall fertilizers is nitrogen. Nitrogen promotes active growth of plants and prepares them for winter. Autumn fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are suitable for use under fruit trees and berry bushes. It is recommended to use fertilizers with a nitrogen content of at least 10-15%.

Potassium and phosphorus are important components of fertilizers necessary for the proper development of fruit trees and berry bushes. Potassium ensures plant resistance to frost and disease, improves the quality of fruits and accelerates their ripening. Phosphorus promotes the development of the root system and increases the resistance of plants to winter frosts.

Fall fertilizers can be applied in several forms: granules, powder or liquid solution. The choice of fertilizer form depends on the gardener’s preferences and the needs of the plants. Granular fertilizers can be spread evenly around the trunk of a tree or shrub and then worked into the soil using water or small soil tillers. Powdered fertilizers can be mixed with water and applied to the soil by watering. Liquid fertilizers can be applied to the soil using a sprayer or by watering the plants.

It is not recommended to apply too much fertilizer or exceed the recommended dose. This can overload the plants with nutrients and negatively impact their health. It is recommended to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package and consult with experienced gardeners or agronomists to determine the optimal dose for your plants.

Applying autumn fertilizers to fruit trees and berry bushes is an important part of plant care. Proper fertilization will help plants prepare for winter, boost their immunity, and provide sufficient nutrients for future growth and development.

What, when and how to feed fruit trees and shrubs

Author Vladislav Lenivko

Vladislav Lenivko – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Andrey Tumanov

Andrey Tumanov – Russian journalist and TV presenter, producer, political figure

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