
Avoid combining black with delicate shades, advises stylist Skorokhodova

Awkward look: avoid combining black with delicate shades, advises stylist Skorokhodova


02/13/2024 08:06

Avoid combining black with delicate shades, stylist warns Anna Skorokhodova.

“Black attracts too much attention and requires an equal partner who can compete with it… Trying to combine it with a mint or soft blue shade can create an awkward look where black becomes dominant and the subtle colors fade and lose their appeal,” noted expert.

You should also avoid wearing a combination of gray and brown colors.

“This combination gives the image negligence and even some dirt. These colors are not in harmony with each other, there is no dominant accent, which deprives the image of brightness and contrast,” Skorokhodova explained.

When creating a monochrome look in white, it is important to use only one tone to avoid the feeling of sloppiness. For example, it could be milky or snow-white. Mixing different tones of white can create a sloppy look as the differences in shade become too noticeable.

It is also recommended to avoid combining several acidic shades in one look.

“It’s better not to combine acid green and bright scarlet colors. If you want to add a bright accent, choose one main color and combine it with calmer tones,” the stylist advises.

Another unsuccessful combination is bright colors and active print, reports Moscow 24.

“This creates excessive brightness and absurdity. For example, an active zebra print in combination with ultra-blue color is a difficult combination. With active prints it is better to choose calmer colors,” the specialist concluded.

Author Makar Gorshenin

Makar Vadimovich Gorshenin is a student at the Moscow University of Finance and Law, a freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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