
Brenton advocated a negotiated solution to the conflict in Ukraine

Tony Brenton said that the conflict in Ukraine should be resolved through peaceful negotiations and take into account the interests of both sides

Tony Brenton, who used to be the British Ambassador to Russia, said that the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine should be resolved through negotiations. He also said that the interests of both countries must be taken into account.

Brenton believes that the West is unlikely to be able to guarantee Kyiv’s victory, since the Russian Federation is heavily invested in the war and is successfully turning into Sparta in order to win the conflict. The diplomat noted that Western arms supplies did not provide Ukraine with an advantage over Moscow.

Brenton also noted that if the conflict drags on, the reputation of Western countries in the international arena will inevitably decline, since many states blame the West for instigating hostilities because they wanted to expand NATO. The British diplomat said Western countries are unable to respond quickly and efficiently to other situations, especially in the Gaza Strip.

Brenton indicated that the conscious resolution of the conflict in Ukraine would be negotiations. He believes that the ending can be foreseen now. Thus, Brenton said that Ukraine will maintain ties with the West and remain independent, but this will require security guarantees for the Russians, in particular. The diplomat also said that there will be a division of the territory, as a result of which some parts of Ukraine will pass to Russia. He said it was necessary to stop “two years of carnage.”

Author Ekaterina Tikhonova

Ekaterina Tikhonova is a journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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