
checking status online through State Services and other methods

Restriction on travel: checking status online through State Services and other methods

If a citizen has debts and enforcement proceedings have been initiated against him, the bailiff has the right to impose a ban on traveling abroad. In this case, the debtor will be rejected at border control, even if he has already purchased tickets and booked a hotel in another country.

How can I find out if there is a travel ban? There are simple and free verification methods.

Reasons for imposing a travel ban may include debts for utilities, traffic police fines and other similar obligations. A travel restriction may be imposed if the amount of the debt exceeds 30 thousand rubles or if the debt is more than 10 thousand rubles, but its repayment period expired two months ago.

Also, the travel ban applies to persons who have arrears of alimony, compensation for damage or harm to health in the amount of more than 10 thousand rubles.

Another reason for a travel ban may be the presence in the document of a non-property requirement, for example, for the eviction of a debtor, the demolition of a building, or the transfer of a child.

Ways to find out if there is a travel ban:

  1. The easiest way is to check for restrictions online on the State Services portal, where information about tax debts, court debts and traffic police fines is available. Information about fines, punishments and enforcement proceedings is also available on the website of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation.
  2. Bailiffs also notify about the travel ban by mail. A copy of the resolution is sent to the actual residence address of the debtor or his place of registration. It is important not to ignore such letters, since even if you refuse to receive them, it is considered that the debtor was notified of the prohibition.
  3. On the State Services portal you can configure the receipt of electronic registered letters from Russian Post. Currently, this service operates limitedly and not in all regions, but it allows you to receive registered letters from various government agencies and bailiffs via the Internet.
  4. Information about the travel ban can also be obtained from the local FSSP office by contacting them with a request. Service employees will check for claims for debts and the presence of orders restricting the right to travel. Even if electronic databases and services do not indicate the presence of debts, it is better to check it personally.
    Addresses and contact numbers of bailiffs can be found on the official website of the bailiff service of the Russian Federation.

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