
Death penalty may be reintroduced in Russia

Death penalty may be reintroduced in Russia

According to Izvestia, deputies of the State Duma intend to restore the death penalty in Russia.

Initially, it is planned to discuss the abolition of the moratorium on the death penalty, in force since 1996, in the Public Chamber under the President of the Russian Federation. Then the bill developed there can be sent to the State Duma. Also, the lifting of the moratorium on the death penalty may be discussed in the Constitutional Court, whose decision may be necessary to legalize capital punishment in the form of the death penalty.

Perhaps the personal opinion of the President of the Russian Federation, who is the guarantor of the Constitution, and whose voice in such a socially significant discussion may become decisive, will be required.

However, for the Crocus City Hall terrorists, even the legal procedure for lifting the moratorium on the death penalty will not mean a change in their fate. The law is not retroactive, and if they are found guilty, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment, since the death penalty will be introduced after they have committed the offense.

However, the abolition of the moratorium on the death penalty for terrorists, pedophiles and others like them also has opponents. One of the main arguments against lifting the moratorium on the death penalty is the possibility of a miscarriage of justice, which can never be ruled out. And if this error can be corrected when assigning a life sentence, then when committing the death penalty the consequences will be irreversible.

Author Anton Melnikov

Anton Melnikov – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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