
Details have emerged about the murder of a 14-year-old schoolgirl and her mother in Yekaterinburg


21.11.2023 13:30

New details have appeared murders mother and daughter at Sortirovka, in which a schoolboy is suspected. According to the source, the 16-year-old teenager was preparing in advance for the crime against his girlfriend and her mother. His searches show studies of videos of murder trials, police work and the like. The attacker took actions to cover his tracks and disguise his actions. However, later he could not withstand the mental pressure and told his friend about everything, who, in turn, told the teenager’s older brother about it.

The schoolboy is now offended by his friend for betraying him. But even without this, he probably would have been caught anyway, since he withdrew money from the murdered woman’s card, writes the E1.RU portal.

The police reported that the student calmly and without any emotional reaction spoke about the crimes he had committed. At the same time, he complained that now it would be difficult for him to live with the awareness of what he had done. The teenager claimed that the murdered women constantly stood before his eyes and seemed alive to him.

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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