
Doctors spoke about the condition of actor Lyubshin

Doctors spoke about the condition of actor Lyubshin


09/17/2023 11:06

Actor Stanislav Lyubshinhospitalized several days ago from the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater with a suspected stroke, is still under the supervision of doctors at the Botkin Hospital.

Doctors assess the condition of the People’s Artist of the RSFSR as moderate, RIA Novosti reported, citing its own source.

“He is in the neurological department, in a moderate condition. The pressure is 120 over 70,” the author of the interlocutor is quoted as saying.

The theater assured journalists that the performer of the role of foreman “Uncle Vova” in the cult film “Kind-dza-dza” feels fine and is already in full swing preparing for the premiere.

Previously, an expert nutritionist listed three types of teawhich help in the fight against excess weight.

Author Anton Utkin

Anton Utkin – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Sergey Kargashin

Sergey Kargashin – journalist, poet, presenter of Pravda.Ru video broadcasts

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