
Drapeko called for actor Nazarov to be consigned to oblivion after ironic poems about the terrorist attack

Drapeko criticized Dmitry Nazarov, who fled Russia, who wrote a mocking poem about the terrorist attack in Crocus.


03/25/2024 16:13

Actress and first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Elena Drapeko, in a conversation with NEWS.RU, called for stopping mentioning the name of fugitive actor Dmitry Nazarov after his ironic poems about the terrorist attack in Crocus.

The State Duma deputy recalled that according to the new law, artists who have left no longer have the opportunity to earn money in Russia, but for Dmitry Nazarov there is a more severe punishment.

“But for a person like Dmitry Nazarov, the best punishment would be to forget him and never mention him again. It seems to me that he has already lost his mind. His statements are an absolute abnormality,” said Drapeko.

The actor did not offer condolences in his lines and did not offer help – he ridiculed the discussion by deputies of the possible introduction of the death penalty for terrorists.

Previously, Kanye West officially replaced Name.

Author Alexander Shevtsov

Alexander Shevtsov – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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