
Elena Blinovskaya burst into tears in the courtroom, begging to be allowed to go home from the pre-trial detention center

Elena Blinovskaya burst into tears in the courtroom, begging to be allowed to go home from the pre-trial detention center


02/13/2024 16:53

Elena Blinovskaya appealed to the court with a plea to return her to house arrest instead of a pre-trial detention center.

The coach burst into tears in the courtroom, asking to change her preventive measure. She called for her to be released to serve house arrest because she was worried about her four children.

She recalled her merits – having many children, studying at a university and helping the soldiers of the Northern Military District.

“Now the children have started to get sick. This is hard for me. We are punishing me and my children,” the blogger justified her request.

The court did not listen to the defendant’s arguments and left Blinovskaya in pre-trial detention.

Author Elena Bylkina

Elena Bylkina – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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