
ending, extras and why it will be “fun and scary”

The public and the media are actively discussing the continuation of the series “The Boy’s Word” (18+) and the reshooting of the ending.

Will there be “The Boy’s Word 2″? We quote the director – “three seasons of the project were initially planned,” the project reports “TV program”.

“It’s very difficult. And there’s this specific pressure, such attention. I don’t know, I can’t answer, but for now, of course, we’re not planning on it,” the director admitted.

The hype surrounding the series will most likely change or even disrupt plans to film “The Boy’s Word 2.” The director himself, after the triumphant end of the series, “plans to move on to other projects” (he is working on “Crime and Punishment” with the same Ivan Yankovsky).

But a continuation is not excluded. “Maybe it won’t, or maybe it will. This is not coquetry or affectation, there is no decision yet. But it will be. I can’t answer for the director, but I would say yes, “The Boy’s Word 2” will happen. But then! ” — shared with Pravda. Ru member of the film crew “Words of a Boy” who asked for confidentiality.

By the way, despite rumors about the reshooting of the last episode “for political reasons,” in reality it (the reshooting of the ending of “The Boy’s Word”) is not happening.

“Additional filming of location and individual fragments of the project is underway, the lack of which we realized during the editing of the series even before the release of the first episodes, they will be included in the full version of the series on the video service,” responded the creators of the series

It is worth noting that now on many public pages on VKontakte and Telegram chats in all (!) cities of Russia there is a rumor about supposed castings and hiring of extras for the filming of “The Word of a Boy-2”. This is a fake, no matter how the authors of the stuffing convince otherwise.

The authors of such messages on VK ask group owners to “turn off the ability to comment on posts,” and those who dream of taking part in filming to repost to their page so that the organizers will allegedly find them. Pseudo-filmmakers also ask those who want to act or tell about the history of street fights in their city to “open personal messages in the settings.”

There is an official answer from the Wink service: “Filming of the second season will definitely not begin in January.”

“Is it true that right now there is a casting for the project’s extras in Saratov/Voronezh/Tver/any other city in Russia?” – “No, it’s not true. Any such casting announcements on the Wink website are fake.”

Why this is being done is clear.

There are several reasons.

  1. Communities that post news about filming want to build up their audience and attract friends of their readers through advertisements in the communities.
  2. At the same time, scammers are working – they see who believed, reposted, discussed and will then work off such “suckers” in personal messages, spam or illegal offers.
  3. “And you can also see how crests and enemy protest publics imitate “the boy”. Which at first were “about emergencies and road accidents, then changed to “go to the rally with a duck”, after which they became “Overheard in…”, then they began to be called what – like “No mobilization”, and now “Boys”, they note on social networks.

Let us add that the main musical theme of the series is the electronic song in Tatar “Pyala” by the group “AIGEL” ranks first on the list of the most streamed tracks on Apple Music in the world. The clip itself has already received more than 4 million views on YouTube.

The track is in the top of the most wanted in Shazam, in search engines there are millions of requests “download “Pyala” AIGEL”, and the song from “The Boy’s Word” took second place in the Spotify world chart.

Author Oleg Volodin

Oleg Volodin – journalist, columnist for the politics department of Pravda.Ru

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