
Experts told how foreign visitors make payments in Russia

Experts told how foreign visitors make payments in Russia


02/13/2024 19:38

According to the press service PCT, foreign tourists often bring currency to Russia due to problems with bank cards, exchange it for rubles and pay in cash. Experts believe that The inability to use cards from international payment systems in Russia is one of the main problems making it difficult to increase the number of foreign tourists in the country.

At a strategic session on inbound tourism held by the Russian Union of Travel Industry, Director of the Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects of the Ministry of Economic Development Nikita Kondratyev reported that a non-cash payment scheme for foreign tourists in Russia has been approved at the legislative level. Now the task lies with banks to start developing a financial product for foreigners.

Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of the Bank “World of Privileges” Yuri Melnikov identified three ways to solve this problem.

First — receiving a card through a cooperating bank of another state, which can be electronic or plastic.
Second — issuing a card at a Russian airport, which allows a tourist to top it up with cash and pay freely in Russia.
Third — use of electronic payment systems of foreign countries, such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, which are already operating in Russia.

Sergei Voitovichhead of the PCT committee on international cooperation and general director of the tour operator Svoy-TS, noted that foreign tourists most often exchange currency for rubles and pay in cash, but the introduction of virtual cards is already beginning. Anisiya Yakushevaexecutive director of the Favorit company, clarified that their clients do not yet use “tourist cards”, and the vast majority pay in cash.

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