
Feró Nagy also got his watch, and he and Orbán’s chief adviser drank a brandy to celebrate

Zsolt Nyitrai posted the joint video with Fero on his social media page.

Nyitrai, as the Prime Minister’s chief advisor, is responsible for the nursing hours program, which is a roughly HUF 104 billion project. The essence of this is that every Hungarian citizen over the age of 65 can receive a “career hour” who applies for it. It is a device that the elderly can wear around their neck or arm, and through which they can call for help with a single push of a button if they are in any trouble.

It is a great luck that the 77-year-old Fidesz favorite Feró Nagy also fits into the age group, so he can promote the government’s project and thank Fidesz without any problems. And now he did it: Zsolt Nyitrai visited him to hand over the device in person, and they also toasted him on the occasion.

It can be seen on Niitrai’s face that he is a little afraid of pulling his wife off, so perhaps it is not a coincidence that the moment of drinking has already been cut from the end of the video:

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