
Hadházy makes a fashion out of humiliating Péter Magyar – “We heard a recording of Judith Varga being dragged into a pipe”

Ákos Hadházy reacted at length to the audio recording made public this morning on his Facebook page, in which Péter Magyar talks to his ex-wife, Judit Varga.

Photo: Facebook page of Ákos Hadházy

Previously, there were several recordings and conversations between ministers. Instead, we heard a recording of Judith Varga being bullied. In other words, either there is no more evidence, or the former CEO of the Student Loan Center is scared (of course there is a reason for this), or he is saving the additional evidence for later. (In any case, it says a lot that after weeks of silence, Gergely Gulyás came forward to post a sarcastic post with relief)

– wrote the representative, then continued:

Unfortunately, Péter Polt will simply handle this recording by saying that the “good minister” was wrong, there is no evidence that she told the truth, they don’t even know why she said that… Unless there is a hero within the prosecution, this task will be easily accomplished , as they have done so many times before.

Hadházy also admits this in his post, the recording is another, extremely important proof of the corruption of the system. However, it is still questionable whether those who were not convinced by the evidence so far about the operation of the mafia state, can now be convinced.

According to him, the audio recording raises many questions, but we must know two things:

As with all previous documents, this is also true: the political impact it will have depends mostly on how many people the news reaches. Orbán is never interested in whether the truth comes out, but how many people it reaches. The propaganda machine has already proven many times that it is capable of withholding the truth from millions, diverting attention from it by creating noise, or even “explaining” that “the left would be even worse”. He doesn’t care if two million people hear about something, if eight million don’t, or if he just “explained” it.

– he also wrote

Whether there will be a real change depends ONLY on when the masses realize that as long as there is a propaganda machine, we cannot talk about real elections and until then it is almost impossible to replace the government in an election. If the masses want it, the rules of the game can be changed.

He concluded his post by saying that in a democracy the government would resign, or the government would fail at the latest, but in his opinion this is not the case, but he called on everyone to do his best to make it so.

Source: Facebook page of Ákos Hadházy

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