
Historian Krisztián Ungváry cruelly entered the Catholic Church in Hungary – video as a guest of ex-father András Hodász Epp

According to the historian, Rome should not allow the “level of depravity” that the largest denomination is carrying out at home. Lutheran bishop Tamás Fabiny, who was also interviewed by Hodász, also pointed out the dark side of the relationship between the state and the church.

He talked with historian Krisztián Ungváry and Lutheran bishop Tamás Fabiny about Aeternum on his YouTube channel András Hodász, a priest who left his ecclesiastical profession in 2022, about the relationship between Christian churches and the state, and its history.

In the program, the historian attacked the Hungarian Catholic Church, according to him

“Rome should not allow the level of depravity that the largest denomination is carrying out at home”.

“In the same way that the European Union regularly sets expectations towards Hungary, and when these are not met, it does not give the money, Rome should also set certain socio-political expectations towards its “little lambs”, who at home do not preach the word of Christ, but their power”

said the historian who considers himself a man of faith, according to whom he believes

it would not hurt to drag this company back from Orthodox Moscow to Western Rome

Ungváry also said in the program that he thinks the Catholic Church often conveys the Carmelite messages, not the Pope’s – written by Mandiner.

Lutheran bishop Tamás Fabiny was also a guest of András Hodász after Krisztián Ungváry, who mentioned during their conversation that the headquarters of Fidesz on Lendvay Street functioned as the headquarters of the State Church Office before the regime change.

To András Hodász’s question about whether the state and the Evangelical Church can work well together at the moment, Tamás Fabiny answered yes, but pointed out that

the relationship of financial dependence that exists in the relationship between the government and the church is a problem.

The contributions of the faithful cannot maintain the church, state support is also needed to maintain churches, hospitals, and museums. There is no pure church financing, you can only get money with individual subsidies, for example you can apply for state support for the construction of a church.

If this is a loyalty reward, there is no blessing

said the bishop.

You can watch the full show here:

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