
How to become smarter with a mind diet

How to become smarter with a mind diet

Scientists have noticed that not only reading books and solving logic problems helps people become smarter, but also adjusting their diet. Doctor, expert at the Gemotest laboratory Ekaterina Kashukh told Pravda.Ru readers what products the brain needs to work most efficiently.

How to eat to become smarter

Indeed, it is possible to improve brain performance – memory, concentration and other cognitive functions – by adjusting your diet. Products rich in:

  • vitamins (especially B6 and B12),
  • minerals (iron, magnesium, zinc),
  • omega-3 fatty acids.

These substances enhance brain nutrition, strengthen connections between neurons, and protect cells from damage and premature aging. All this helps a person to be more productive: remember information faster, concentrate more effectively on work tasks and pass exams easier.

To ensure that all the necessary nutrients are regularly present in the diet, scientists recommend adhering to a mind diet. This is a nutritional system designed to improve brain function: it helps its cells recover faster from harmful environmental influences and stay healthy longer. The system is based on the principles of the Mediterranean and DASH diet, which help improve vascular health and, as a result, the brain.

According to the nutritional system, the diet should contain at least three servings of whole grains (cereals, bread), one serving of vegetables and leafy greens, as well as nuts, legumes and berries. It is recommended to eat poultry at least twice a week, fish – weekly. Olive oil is used as a dressing for salads and hot dishes.

The diet involves a number of restrictions. For example, it is recommended to eat no more than five servings of sweets or baked goods per week and eat red meat no more than four times per week. It is recommended to limit cheese and fried foods to once a week.

The Mind Diet has been studied for 10 years on more than 1,000 subjects and has proven its effectiveness. Participants who followed it were in better shape than those who violated the recommendations.

It is important to note that diet correction is only one of the factors affecting brain function. In addition to diet, it is important to devote time to regular physical activity, take care of the quality of sleep, spend more time in the fresh air and learn to cope with stress with the least damage to the psyche.

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