
How to establish contact with a cat: experts reveal the reasons for alienation

How to establish contact with a cat: experts reveal the reasons for alienation


02/13/2024 17:22

It is difficult to imagine a person who buys a cat just so that it decorates the house and gives it more comfort. Therefore, many people strive to find a common language with their pet in order to enjoy a pleasant time together from time to time.

Experts explain why an animal may be against such attention to its person:

  • Lack of socialization. A cat, being an inherently wild animal, may not feel comfortable being held. For her, the lack of solid ground under her feet can be perceived as a potential danger. Therefore, it is important to accustom your pet to communicate with its owner, starting from an early age.
  • Failure to comply with handling rules. Many owners do not take into account the peculiarities of handling a cat, grabbing it incorrectly by the skin or starting to pull it by the tail. This can cause pain in the animal and disrupt its mood. Therefore, it is important to be careful and caring towards the cat so as not to harm it.
  • Individual characteristics. Some cats simply don’t show affection as much as others. These are individual traits of their character that should be respected. This behavior occurs not only among animals, but also among people, so one should not be surprised by this feature.

This does not mean that the cat is indifferent to its owner.

Author Semyon Papinsky

Semyon Papinsky is a student at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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