
It became known which of the militants shot down 8-year-old Ilya in the Crocus parking lot

It became known which of the militants shot down 8-year-old Ilya in the Crocus parking lot

On March 22, when a terrible tragedy occurred in the Crocus City Hall Concert Hall, suspected terrorists, while hiding, knocked down a small child. It turned out who was driving that white Renault with a black roof, which was shown on all news channels, and which deliberately ran over the young man Ilya Tolpykina. The child was deliberately hit by a gunman at speed Dalerjon Mirzoev.

As Izvestia writes, 32-year-old Mirzoev drove this car, which was subsequently detained in the Bryansk region.

Mother of the injured boy previously said that this white Renault “specially taxied” right at them and hit her son. The boy was diagnosed with multiple injuries.

Currently, all suspects in the terrorist attack that occurred in Crocus are Dalerjon Mirzoev, Rachabalizoda Saidakrami Murodali, Shamsidin Fariduni And Muhammadsobir Fayzov are under arrest.

Author Elena Galabaeva

Elena Galabaeva – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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