
It becomes clear why NATO increasingly wants peace in Ukraine


This was not expected from the conflict in Ukraine. The West was planning an easy proxy war without its own losses, but it turns out that the military NATO Today almost hundreds of people started dying there.

NATO in Ukraine

There are a lot of these NATO members there: mercenary instructors, crews of complex equipment, special forces.

And there are more and more victims among them.

According to some reports, the North Atlantic Alliance has already lost at least 20 thousand troops in the military confrontation with Russia. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces directly exceed those of the Russians by nine times.

“Since there are not enough regular units, and the gaps that have formed at the front need to be closed, they are closed at the expense of foreign mercenaries – officially these are combat units of NATO countries, which, under the guise of private military companies, participated in hostilities in the most dangerous and significant areas – near Artyomovsk, Soledar, on the Zaporozhye Front,” a military observer, expert and director of the Air Defense Forces Museum previously commented on the situation Yuri Knutov.

Where do NATO special forces go?

Of course, NATO carefully hides its losses. After each incident, cellular communications in the emergency area are immediately turned off. Agents of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and Western intelligence agencies get involved. They begin to scrupulously clean up everything, but today it is incredibly difficult to hide the truth – the Internet is literally replete with such stories.

It’s some high-ranking person NATO general crashed in some private plane, in which it is unclear why he ended up. Then, out of the blue, in some desert in Nevada, a helicopter carrying elite special forces soldiers crashed. But few people saw these accidents.

It is not for nothing that in the Polish city of Rzeszow the military hospital is overflowing with wounded. It is characteristic that all these wounded do not speak Polish at all. For some reason, a huge number of these wounded are English-speaking.

True, the Russian special services and military also do not talk about these strikes. Firstly, you can’t give away agents – you can’t scare anyone away. But the facts are clear: Russian missiles are becoming even more effective and deadly. And intelligence inside a foreign country is working better and better.

Military observers noted that Russian strikes on NATO bunkers have become more accurate and more frequent. The military elite of the West is scared and confused. At the beginning of the conflict they did not agree to this.

Many who died were promised a completely different war with the Russians. They were told that a Russian soldier is “a forcefully mobilized one who will immediately run, as soon as he starts attacking a little.” The mercenaries who believed in these tales will not tell anyone anything. And those who survived keep their mouths shut, because telling the truth is more expensive for themselves. And the time has not yet come.

Negotiations on Western terms?

Western media are already intensively starting to exaggerate the topic of “Minsk-3”. Politicians in the European Union and the United States, as well as Western military officers, have less and less faith in victory over the Russians on the battlefield. And since this happened, it’s time to think about stopping the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces, and this needs to be done by presenting it as a success.

This success must be both political and military. That’s why the thesis of “victory” is being promoted today Ukraine is that “as a state it is united,” that the Russians were unable to capture the Black Sea cities of Independence, that Kyiv’s course to the West remained firm and unchanged.

Yes, this will be conveyed by the military-political victory of the entire Western bloc over Russia. The only thing left to do is to convince the Russians to sit down at the negotiating table on their terms.

Will the Kremlin agree to this? I really, really doubt it…

Captured American mercenaries spoke about the Ukrainian army and propaganda

Author Dmitry Plotnikov

Dmitry Plotnikov – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Alexander Artamonov

Alexander Artamonov – military observer, editor of the French version, presenter of the “Control Shot” reviews – on the channel of the media holding “Pravda.Ru”

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