
Kyiv made a statement about the possibility of negotiations with the Russian Federation. How did Moscow respond?


Ukraine will refuse what is considered traditional negotiations, but intends to put forward “ultimate demands” to Russia, which, according to Kyiv, Moscow will be forced to accept. A similar statement was made by the adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky Mikhail Podolyak. Pravda.Ru understands the situation.

Podolyak’s statement

“There will be ultimatum demands on the Russian Federation at the highest level, and Russia will accept them. This is not a paradox, this is an objective development of the war,” said the adviser to the OP of Ukraine in an interview with a journalist Natalya Moseychuk.

Moreover, Podolyak stressed that the West will not stop helping Kyiv despite disputes among Western countries. In his opinion, this support will even increase in the future.

Russia’s response

Official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova, Commenting on Podolyak’s words, she emphasized that Russia does not give in to ultimatums and blackmail.

“With the last of their strength, these terrorist creatures are trying to zombify their population, so that they can then drag them into the trenches at gunpoint and finish them off there. Anyone who still listens to the “bank terrorists” should know: Russia has never submitted to ultimatums or blackmail. Everyone who came with with a sword or a grenade, she drove her away. She prescribed a prescription for dehumanization to anyone who tried to destroy the country or its people,” the diplomat wrote in her Telegram channel.

Negotiation condition

Formerly President of Russia Vladimir Putin, commenting on the possibility of resolving the conflict in Ukraine, he said that an important step towards peace negotiations should be Kyiv’s refusal to self-prohibit interaction with Russia.

“Unfortunately, the other side does not want to conduct any negotiations. Moreover, the President of Ukraine issued a decree prohibiting everyone and himself from conducting peace negotiations with us. How can you negotiate if they do not want this and even issued a regulatory document “, which prohibits these negotiations? Therefore, if the Ukrainian side wants this, apparently, we need to start by canceling this decree and announcing our readiness for these negotiations,” Putin said (quoted by TASS).

Moreover, he emphasized that Moscow is open to the possibility of peaceful negotiations, but Kyiv “threw into the oven” the Istanbul agreements (we are talking about agreements reached within the framework of the negotiation process between Russia and Ukraine). Putin once again emphasized that Ukraine does not want to negotiate.

“As for how and what needs to be done to ensure that this conflict is ended by peaceful means: we have never objected to this […] There (talking about negotiations in Istanbul. – Ed.) The Ukrainian side has drawn up a very strict security framework for itself, and we practically agreed with it. But as soon as our troops retreated from the capital of Ukraine, from Kyiv, the Ukrainian side immediately threw all these agreements into the oven […] They announced that they would seek the defeat of Russia and victory on the battlefield, the strategic defeat of Russia,” the head of state added.

Ban for Zelensky

September 30 on the website of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky The text of a decree has appeared, which states the impossibility of negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The text of the decree contains the following five points, they are quoted by Forbes:

  • “To state the impossibility of holding negotiations with the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin”;
  • The text of the address of the President of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada and the Prime Minister to NATO is approved;
  • The Cabinet of Ministers is required to prepare proposals for a “multi-level security system based on multilateral and bilateral agreements.”
  • The government is required to strengthen Ukraine’s defense capability by increasing the supply of military-technical assistance;
  • The Verkhovna Rada is recommended to adopt bills “on appropriate sanctions and other responses to escalation on the part of the Russian Federation.”

Moreover, on September 30, Zelensky, speaking about this decree, once again rejected any possibility of negotiations with Russia.

“It was our state that has always offered Russia to agree on coexistence on equal, honest, decent and fair terms. Obviously, this is impossible with this Russian president. He does not know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are ready for dialogue with Russia, but already with another Russian president,” said the Ukrainian leader (quote from Forbes).

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