
Local groups’ tax collection declined at the beginning of this year – Today 24

The Kingdom’s General Treasury revealed that the tax revenues of territorial communities amounted to 3.9 billion dirhams at the end of February 2024, a decrease of 0.2 percent compared to the level recorded at the end of February 2023.

The Kingdom’s General Treasury explained in its latest monthly bulletin on local financial statistics that this decline is due to a decrease in direct taxes by 17.2 percent and indirect taxes by 7.6 percent, explaining that tax revenues constituted 85.8 percent of total income. Land groups at the end of February 2024.

The same source added that the transferred resources amounted, at the end of February 2024, to 2,383 billion dirhams, compared to 2,644 billion dirhams a year ago, a decrease of 9.9 percent.

This is due to not recording any revenues from the entities’ share of the corporate tax and income tax revenues, compared to recording revenues worth 341 million dirhams at the end of February 2023, in addition to a decrease in support (minus 15 million dirhams), as well as an increase of 4.5 percent. In the share of territorial communities from the value-added tax output (plus 99 million dirhams).

The bulletin also reported that territorial municipalities’ revenues consist of 50.7 percent of their share of value-added tax revenues.

As for the resources managed by the state on behalf of territorial communities, they amounted to 468 million dirhams by the end of February 2024, compared to 427 million dirhams a year ago, that is, an increase of 9.6 percent, coming from a 35.8 percent increase in the tax on Collective services (plus 73 million dirhams), and a 48 percent housing tax (plus 12 million dirhams), compared to a decrease in the professional tax by 22.2 percent (minus 44 million dirhams).

Regarding the resources managed by territorial communities, they amounted to 1.685 billion dirhams at the end of February 2024, compared to 1.498 billion dirhams a year ago, an increase of 12.5 percent.

These revenues are mainly composed of revenues from the tax on unbuilt urban land (549 million dirhams), fees for temporary occupancy of the collective public domain (162 million dirhams), revenues on public property (153 million dirhams), and the tax on construction works (118 million dirhams).

The evolution of the structure of territorial communities’ resources between the end of February 2023 and the end of February 2024 shows a decrease in the share of transferred resources, in addition to an increase in the share of resources managed by the state and the share of resources managed by territorial communities.

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