
Maria Mironova said that she took her son from Crocus 1.5 hours before the terrorist attack

Maria Mironova admitted that her son called her to the playroom at Crocus, but something stopped her

Maria Mironovand took her son from Crocus City Hall 1.5 hours before the terrorist attack. The actress said that her son asked her to stay in the playroom, but she decided to return home.

Mironova on her social networks called these events just a bad dream.
She and her son were in Vegas that day, located near the site of the tragedy, and when the boy asked to go to the playground, she decided that they needed to return home. Usually she followed the baby’s wishes, but at that moment something told her that she needed to go home.

“Great grief, may God give strength to all the victims and their relatives. Blessed memory of those who died untimely. 2 days of watching the events from the scene of the terrorist attack… 2 days of realization… After all, we could have been there! My son and I left the neighboring Vegas for 1.5 hours before this tragedy. He really wanted to go to the playroom, but for some reason I took him away,” Maria wrote.

She is haunted by the question of what combination of circumstances led to the tragedy. Some were going to a concert, others were having dinner on the top floor, some were unlucky enough to stay in the buffet, where terrorists were shooting unarmed people at point-blank range. Some fought for their loved ones and survived a terrorist attack, others took frightened people to a safe place, showing them the right path. Someone, without taking off his skates, tried to escape from the skating rink in the nearby Vegas.

The actress called for hope that such events will not happen again and to believe that evil will be punished.

Author Sitora Chaevskaya

Sitora Chaevskaya – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Daria Mitina

Daria Mitina – historian, statesman, freelance correspondent and broadcaster of Pravda.Ru

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