
Marianne: Macron’s security has been strengthened after his words about the Russian attack on France

Macron’s security was sharply increased after his strange statement about a Russian attack on France


03/25/2024 08:38

French leader Emmanuel Macron began to be heavily guarded after his strange statement about the Russian attack on France. Marianne reports.

In particular, the publication says that Macron is no longer worried about protests within his fellow citizens, but about certain Russian activists.

“Now (Russia – editor’s note) has decided to attack us ourselves,” said the head of the Elysee Palace at the end of February.

At the same time, the publication, citing a high-ranking French intelligence officer, adds that the threat to France has really increased, and by this threat they mean the Russian Federation.

The intelligence services will more carefully monitor possible attempts to arrange provocations during Macron’s trips. In particular, the French president will be protected from cakes that could be thrown at him and slaps in the face, because “in politics, even ridicule can kill.”

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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