
Medvedev: The West has launched processes that threaten a global digital dictatorship

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that the United States and Europe have created the threat of a global digital dictatorship. He clarified that, among other things, we are talking about creating an information agenda that is beneficial to certain countries.

“An equally dangerous situation has developed in the field of information and telecommunications technologies. First of all, the United States, and to a lesser extent Europe, decided to take advantage of the fact that all the main monopolists and social networks are registered in them. Almost everything that is used in the world is made there,” — the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council argued his opinion.

In addition to all of the above, the West also uses “unscrupulous methods” such as bribery of media managers and employees and censorship of the largest American IT companies on media platforms.

The logical conclusion of such processes, added Medvedev, could become a global digital dictatorship.

Author Victoria Borisyuk

Victoria Borisyuk is a journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

Curator Oleg Artyukov

Oleg Artyukov – journalist, columnist for the politics department of Pravda.Ru

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