
Monetochka* announced that she will arrange an autograph session with Nikita Kologriv

Singer Monetochka* announced that she will sign autographs with Nikita Kologriv at polling stations on March 17


03/13/2024 08:37

Singer Elizaveta Gyrdymovaknown under the pseudonym Coin*, spoke about conducting a joint Nikita Kologriv autograph sessions.

The singer Monetochka, who lives in Lithuania, recorded a short video message on her Instagram**.

“Don’t miss my autograph session on March 17, 12.00 at all polling stations. Myself and Nikita Kologrivy will be handing out autographs to everyone,” said the singer of the hit “Every Time.”

Earlier, Nikita Kologrivy addressed his fans and stated that people were using an autograph session with him for their own selfish purposes. The star of the series “The Boy’s Word” is sure that some people are acting against him “paid policy”. He urged his fans to stay at home and not go anywhere.

* recognized by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as a foreign agent

** social network is prohibited in the Russian Federation; belong to the Meta corporation, which is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation

Author Elena Bylkina

Elena Bylkina – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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