
More than 20 flights were delayed and canceled at Moscow airports


20.11.2023 10:11

On Monday, November 20, 24 flights were delayed and canceled at three Moscow airports. Such data is provided on the Yandex Schedule service.

It is noted that three planes did not take off to Sheremetyevo on schedule. To Vnukovo, six departures occurred later than planned, and three more were cancelled. It is noted that more than a dozen flights were disrupted at Domodedovo Airport: eight flights were delayed and four were cancelled.

There is no information about disruptions to the schedule in Zhukovsky. The reasons for the massive change in aircraft departure times at the capital’s airports are also not mentioned.

It is known that earlier a Sunexpress airline plane took off from Paris to the city of Izmir without a pilot and 30 passengers. Initially, the departure was delayed for three hours, but closer to the departure time information about check-in for the flight did not appear. Passengers checked their flight details in the app and found that the plane took off without them.

Author Ilya Klyuchnikov

Ilya Klyuchnikov is a journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

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