
Nachalova’s daughter spoke about the 20 million debt


12/30/2023 12:23

17-year-old Vera Aldonina, daughter of the late singer Yulia Nachalova, shared her story with reporters. After her mother left, she lived with her grandparents. The girl said that financial disagreements with her mother’s ex-partner, athlete Alexander Frolov, were never resolved. Despite the end of the relationship, Yulia Nachalova considered Frolov her husband for the five years of their union, despite the lack of official registration of the marriage.

Before her death, the singer asked Frolov for 20 million rubles to organize a solo concert. However, in order to receive funds, she had to sign an agreement and mortgage half of the apartment. The apartment in the center of Moscow, left to Yulia and her daughter Vera, belongs to the star’s second husband, football player Evgeny Aldonin. After Nachalova’s death, Frolov sued her heir, demanding a share in the housing.

Despite the past five years, Vera emphasized that Frolov’s decision remained unchanged. Now she follows the path of her famous mother, participating in vocal competitions and shows, but her talent is often compared to Yulia Nachalova, not only in appearance, but also in matters of vocals.

Author Angelina Efremova

Angelina Efremova – freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru, student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

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