
Never use these substances to care for double-glazed windows: how to care for them


12/31/2023 20:21

Plastic windows have long become an integral part of a modern home, providing excellent quality, comfort and stylish interior design. Few people realize that they are complex mechanisms consisting of many parts.

Maintaining their functionality requires special care, otherwise after a few years they may lose their functionality.

Caring for double glazed windows: To properly care for double-glazed windows, it is recommended to use liquid detergents. It is important that they do not contain abrasive substances to avoid scratches on the glass.

But under no circumstances should you use particulates that contain:

  1. Alcohol;
  2. Acetone;
  3. Petrol;
  4. Acid and other chemicals.

Specialized window cleaning products are readily available, making this maintenance step simple and effective.

Caring for the plastic frame: Plastic profile requires special care. Thanks to its smooth surface, it is easy to clean from dirt with a damp cloth. However, you should not use cleaning products containing alcohol, acetone, gasoline, acid or other chemicals that may harm the color of the profile.

Seal care: Seals in plastic windows play a key role in ensuring tightness. Cleaning the seals from dirt and dust, as well as treating them with glycerin or silicone oil, will help maintain their performance for many years. Regular maintenance includes cleaning and treatment, and if properties are lost, replacement of seals.

Drainage holes: Drainage holes that provide frame ventilation and removal of excess moisture also require attention. Cleaning them once a year with a needle will help maintain their functionality.

Care of accessories: Caring for fittings is one of the simplest processes. Once a year, it is recommended to lubricate it with lubricant, including regular motor oil. It is important to avoid accidental contact of grease on the frame and glass unit.

Following these simple steps to care for your vinyl windows will help maintain their quality and functionality for many years.

Author Peter Deryabin

Petr Deryabin – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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