
new algorithm for diagnosing and predicting eye diseases

new algorithm for diagnosing and predicting eye diseases


09.15.2023 22:00

Scientists at the UCLA Institute of Ophthalmology have created a neural network that can diagnose and predict eye diseases. Their scientific work was published in the journal Nature.

Experts named the AI ​​RETFound. It is the first such algorithm in ophthalmology. The neural network was trained on the basis of 1.6 million images of the retina. Scientists have made the system open source, in other words, any organization in the world can access it.

According to experts, RETFound could help improve diagnosis of some eye diseasesincluding diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.

The authors note that the neural network also predicts systemic diseases, for exampleParkinson’s disease, stroke and heart failure.

Scientists loaded data from many ethnic groups into the model. Thanks to this, it is possible to carry out work equally effectively in different population groups.

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Author Daniil Polonikov

Daniil Sergeevich Polonikov (December 19, 2003, Ivanovo) – student at the Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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