
New case of Major Spasskaya – KP.RU

The investigator (Karina Andolenko) knows her stuff.  But he fusses too much - that’s why all the problems arise.  Photo: Rossiya TV channel

The investigator (Karina Andolenko) knows her business. But he fusses too much – that’s why all the problems arise. Photo: Rossiya TV channel


New episodes

Detective, 16+

Major Anna Spasskaya (Karina Andolenko) found herself in a love triangle. Which is even a quadrangle somewhere! On the one hand, she now loves Peter, her colleague (Alexander Golubev). On the other hand, her ex-husband (Roman Mayakin) intends to continue to participate in her life. Because – here it is, the fourth! – Anna carries their unborn child under her heart.

And then it’s not easy for her to get used to the fact that she is now responsible for both herself and the unborn baby. As before, Spasskaya bravely rushes to apprehend the criminals herself. And one day it comes to trouble.

“I like that my heroine is an ambiguous person,” admits Karina Andolenko. – She has many positive qualities, but there are also negative ones that are not alien to us all. She is very impatient, obsessed with work, and her personal life and her loved ones often suffer as a result. In the new season, my heroine faces even more different trials, and it becomes increasingly difficult for her to make the right choice. For me, as an actress, this is a great gift: such characters are always interesting to play and explore.”

Where to watch: “Russia 1”. Mon. – Thu, 21.20.

“Cool Change”

How few roads have been traveled... Nikita Efremov's hero rethinks life (with Sergei Stepin).  Photo: Still from the film

How few roads have been traveled… Nikita Efremov’s hero rethinks life (with Sergei Stepin). Photo: Still from the film

Dramedy, 16+

Andrey (Nikita Efremov) studied to become a literature teacher, but after university he stubbornly tried to find himself in the capital’s business. When it became clear that there were no more chances left, he returned to his native Arzamas to teach literature at school and… in the colony where his father was imprisoned. Mom, a legendary teacher, has already died without seeing her son as a teacher.

Andrei hopes to sit it out for a while, sell the house (Pushkin himself, they say, has been there) and leave Arzamas forever. Only now, plunging into the past, which is here at every step, explaining to children and prisoners the essence of the works of the classics, he involuntarily analyzes his life and slowly becomes a different person.

This is a funny series about something serious – about the fact that in the middle of life a person inevitably realizes the collapse of many of his youthful hopes and, almost for the first time, purposefully evaluates himself.

Where to see:

online cinema


What will surprise the new TV season: the return of Larisa Guzeeva, the premiere of series about e-sports and the appearance of the “KVN killer” (more details)

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