
New lawsuit against Ivleeva: relatives of SVO fighters are indignant

The charitable foundations “Sokol” and “We are near”, as well as a group of relatives of SVO participants, are preparing a new class action lawsuit against Anastasia Ivleevaorganizer “naked” partiesaccording to Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Citizens expressed dissatisfaction with the public behavior of the event participants in conditions of instability in the country and demand an apology from Ivleeva.

The lawsuit is being filed due to the moral duty of citizens to resist such events in turbulent times. One of the applicants, an intelligence officer Ivan Pipnik, argues that the artists’ public apologies are not sincere, and calls on them to decide which side they stand on. The question is raised about whether the participants support Russia, and checks by law enforcement agencies are proposed.

“We are used to feeling like we are the masters of life. But at some point we need to look around a little,” Moskovsky Komsomolets reports Ivan’s words.

The applicants do not demand compensation, but express dissatisfaction with the public behavior of the artists in the difficult situation in the country. They call for responsibility not only for the organizers, but also for all participants in the “naked party.” The main goal is to achieve clarity regarding the patriotism of the participants in the event.

Previously reportedthat the court fined Ivleeva 100 thousand rubles for organizing a “naked” party.

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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